Step into a world where florals burst with life and feline mystery captivates the eye with "BLUE CAT," an innovative box-art by Esté MacLeod. This piece brings the allure of a secret garden to your walls, where a majestic blue cat sits enigmatically among a vibrant flourish of red, yellow, and blue blooms. Crafted with care onto a large sheet of engineered wood, the art showcases Esté's signature blend of real-life inspiration and fantastical creation. "BLUE CAT" is a delightful celebration of Esté MacLeod's fresh, whimsical style and her ability to infuse everyday scenes with an ethereal, dream-like quality.
Rendered on a unique, statement-making, extra-large wooden canvas with charming scalloped edges, this piece blends Este's impressionistic touches with abstract flair.
Art by Esté MacLeod.
Step into a world where florals burst with life and feline mystery captivates the eye with "BLUE CAT," an innovative box-art by Esté MacLeod. This piece brings the allure of a secret garden to your walls, where a majestic blue cat sits enigmatically among a vibrant flourish of red, yellow, and blue blooms. Crafted with care onto a large sheet of engineered wood, the art showcases Esté's signature blend of real-life inspiration and fantastical creation. "BLUE CAT" is a delightful celebration of Esté MacLeod's fresh, whimsical style and her ability to infuse everyday scenes with an ethereal, dream-like quality.
Rendered on a unique, statement-making, extra-large wooden canvas with charming scalloped edges, this piece blends Este's impressionistic touches with abstract flair.
Art by Esté MacLeod.