Startled or Posing? In the tranquil wilderness, a captivating scene unfolds as three majestic elk pause in their graceful stride to gaze curiously into the lens. With eyes filled with curiosity and a touch of serenity, these regal creatures emanate an aura of tranquility, inviting the viewer to step into their world and witness the untamed beauty of the untrodden path.
Art by Michael Underwood.
Startled or Posing? In the tranquil wilderness, a captivating scene unfolds as three majestic elk pause in their graceful stride to gaze curiously into the lens. With eyes filled with curiosity and a touch of serenity, these regal creatures emanate an aura of tranquility, inviting the viewer to step into their world and witness the untamed beauty of the untrodden path.
Art by Michael Underwood.