Under a celestial tapestry of the Milky Way, a solitary chapel stands gracefully against the night sky, its white walls glowing under the starlight. This tranquil sanctuary, surrounded by the silhouette of a forested horizon, becomes a focal point of contemplation under the cosmos' sprawling beauty. The galaxy's core, a brilliant cascade of stars and cosmic dust, stretches above, symbolizing the infinite wonder of the universe.
Art by Michael Underwood.
Under a celestial tapestry of the Milky Way, a solitary chapel stands gracefully against the night sky, its white walls glowing under the starlight. This tranquil sanctuary, surrounded by the silhouette of a forested horizon, becomes a focal point of contemplation under the cosmos' sprawling beauty. The galaxy's core, a brilliant cascade of stars and cosmic dust, stretches above, symbolizing the infinite wonder of the universe.
Art by Michael Underwood.