"Little Owl" presents an intriguing and textured portrait of a bear, featuring a mysterious and intense gaze that captivates the viewer. Despite the title, the artwork depicts a bear, but the name could hint at a deeper, symbolic meaning or a subtle element within the piece—perhaps suggesting the bear's wisdom or maybe the perked-up ears. This artwork uses a rich palette of dark tones contrasted against a vibrant red background, emphasizing the bear's formidable presence. Ideal for art lovers who appreciate works with a hint of mystery, "Little Owl" is a thought-provoking piece perfect for sparking conversations in any art collection.
This version of "Little Owl" is printed on a 23" x 31" wood back and framed with a one-of-a-kind corrugated aluminum frame. The frame is adorned with its own artistic touches that elevates the entire piece.
Art by Shelle Lindholm
"Little Owl" presents an intriguing and textured portrait of a bear, featuring a mysterious and intense gaze that captivates the viewer. Despite the title, the artwork depicts a bear, but the name could hint at a deeper, symbolic meaning or a subtle element within the piece—perhaps suggesting the bear's wisdom or maybe the perked-up ears. This artwork uses a rich palette of dark tones contrasted against a vibrant red background, emphasizing the bear's formidable presence. Ideal for art lovers who appreciate works with a hint of mystery, "Little Owl" is a thought-provoking piece perfect for sparking conversations in any art collection.
This version of "Little Owl" is printed on a 23" x 31" wood back and framed with a one-of-a-kind corrugated aluminum frame. The frame is adorned with its own artistic touches that elevates the entire piece.
Art by Shelle Lindholm